Working with many Office365 clients, I receive queries on how to go about provisioning users and mailboxes for an Exchange hybrid deployment. To begin with, let’s assume a couple things. We have a Windows 2012 R2 member server with Azure AD Connect (AAD Connect) version (or newer) and the Azure AD Module for PowerShell installed;…
Tag: mailbox
Get PasswordAge for users in a particular domain
In Office365 if you have more than one domain in a subscription, there are times where you may want to get the password age for users of that domain. In my case to check which users are covered and meeting policy and get the users addressed.
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Get-MsolUser -All -DomainName "" | select DisplayName, LastPasswordChangeTimeStamp,@{Name=â€PasswordAgeâ€;Expression={(Get-Date)-$_.LastPasswordChangeTimeStamp}} |
The output will be similar to:
Convert resource mailbox to a user mailbox
Based on my audit for a client I found that a user mailbox was at sometime converted to a resource mailbox. There is no convert button/ link to switch it back. I still don’t know how, or why this would have happened. Anyways, for someone who may come across this weird issue, here is the…
Saving emails in the ‘Sent Folder’ of shared mailboxes
When composing a message from a shared mailbox, by default when the message is ‘sent’, it is copied to the Sent Items for the user composing the message and not the Sent Items folder on the shared mailbox. Well, conveniently there is a way to enable this option in Exchange 2016 and Office365. I don’t understand…
Exchange 2007: Give a user full access to all mailboxes
The following command will give full access to the Mailbox database including future mailboxes when they are created. Just change the name of the Mailbox Database to yours and the name to the one you wish to use
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Get-MailboxDatabase -identity “Mailbox Database†| Add-ADPermission -User "Trusted User"-AccessRights GenericAll |
Now access to all mailboxes:
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Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Database "Mailbox Database" | Add-MailboxPermission -User "Trusted User" -AccessRights FullAccess |
For Send As:
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Add-ADPermission -Identity "Mailbox Database" -User "Trusted User" -ExtendedRights Send-As |
For Recieve As:
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Add-ADPermission -Identity "Mailbox Database" -User "Trusted User" -ExtendedRights Receive-As |
In exchange…
Assign a Room Mailbox Permissions
If we want to check the detail information of the room mailbox schedule or change the permission level of the Calendar permission.  We should do the following steps:  Add a user as a full permission to the room mailbox via PowerShell: Assign Permission Add-MailboxPermission -Identity “[email protected]†-User “[email protected]†-AccessRights Fullaccess -InheritanceType All Open room mailbox…
Set a Room Mailbox to Show Details of a Meeting in its Calendar
You may notice that meetings with a ‘Room’ mailbox will by default only show a “Busy†status. Many, including the organisation I work for, wish to have (at the very minimum) the following displayed in the Room’s calendar: Organiser of the meeting, and The subject of the meeting Below I will demonstrate how to set…